BIG BOSS - Chapter 2. Clearwords, LettSym ‘Greens’
Experience 2 starts with Adi joining another firm (‘Clearwords’) as a result of the phlegmatic attitude of his boss in NewsNxt. Still he finds himself into another lap similar to the earlier one. He performs extraordinarily well in the firm, but is not rewarded. He leaves Clearwords and joins one of its competitors, ‘LettSym’, to find more strange events happening at that place. He tries to join back Clearwords and is reinstated based on his astonishing performance earlier with the firm. He finds no change in the attitude of his bosses in Clearwords, and plans to change the industry itself. Adi decides… Excerpts... “…Adi bid adieu to his first enceinte, implausible experience. When something sucks, one needs different tucks. When we perceive that the veritable path we plan to tress will lead us to our heave, we get a kick out of the mural. However, a sudden bump tacks all our attention towards the choice of it. We introspect on the decision to tread that road alongside the measures we could have taken to avoid the block.…” “…A conch shell blew in his mind as he walked through the firm’s turnstiles. Adi sighed at the turning of the tide. While walking down the aisle, he tapped the firm’s signage inscribed alongside the wall. He felt as if he was entering a temple to attain salvation. He was a halcyon soul at that moment caring about nothing, but his dreams…” “…The trio reached the spot where they saw a medium-built around 60-year old man sitting conveniently on the chair, contemplating on a book with a pencil in his hand. He appeared to be in the Elvis year with many associates talking to him seeking suggestions on various assignments…” “…Adi got married to a pulchritudinous girl. He enjoyed the company of almost all of his colleagues from his firm in the sacrament. However, how sharper than a serpent's tooth it is to have thankless parents…” “…Also, he was hot to trot working for this new firm since its account manager, Sreedhar, was a faddish in the industry. People knew him as a whiz professional, aspiration of many to work with. Adi wished to get into his account to grow intellectually. Higgledy-piggledy was no more a choice for him.…” “…Sreedhar tuned out on this, turned his inflated, paunchy solar plexus towards Sarika, pestered her to arrange for the class that he took every Monday. As expected, she accepted it as a foreordination. ‘Middle age is when broadness of the mind and narrowness of the waist change places,’ Adi thought while ogling at Sreedhar. .…” “…Hey Adi, how come you here at this time of the night?” Sreedhar tried getting away from her pretending Adi saw nothing. Sarika took up the pen and a notepad giving an impression of Sreedhar dictating notes to her as she tried adjusting the tress.…” “…Exactly, this is my point Ayush. If we can’t interfere in their personal lives citing professional reasons, then how come they have a right to create roadblocks in our professional lives due to their personal reasons?.…” “…Can’t we be like them? Can’t we ferry each other arm in arm keeping aside priggishness and self-pride?’ ‘Why giving employees their due is considered as a favor by the firms? We both need each other to grow and prosper. Then why the distance?’ "...Shouldn’t we take care of pennies so that pounds take care of themselves. There is a very thin line between ‘utilizing’ and ‘using’, but has major repercussions on the ‘used’ ones that one shouldn’t be heedless of..." "...Adi was foaming at the mouth as several trains rattled across his sight…”