BIG BOSS - Chapter 3. Hard Iron ‘Blues’
Experience 3 Adi joins another firm, ‘Hard Iron’, from a different industry (Iron & Steel) in anticipation that the industry change may fetch him a discerning boss with whom he can share, learn and contribute. The owner of the firm, the MD shows the door to Adi’s boss due to some financial irregularities allegedly carried out by him. The MD also wanted to show the pink slip to Adi, but due to Adi’s proactive interventions in the firm’s interest, he was forced not to do so. Adi was asked by the MD to work with him to carry out some strategic initiatives in the firm’s interest and he responded well. But when Adi wanted to pursue higher studies and grow professionally, he was devoid of the opportunities by the MD. This led him to leave the firm and pursue higher studies. Adi decides… Excerpts... “…Clearwords affectated cupboard love. They preferred a laugh in the sea of sadness for their employees. Their employees’ life was a mere dream; a fleeting shadow on a cloudy day with each day they spent was hotter than two rats screwing in a wool sock. Having experienced the blind-sided events too early in his potent, productive life, Adi started off his journey towards a much better, brighter future, in anticipation of reviving his dead as a dodo life. …” “…Adi folded hands in the temple of the plant to beseech for his fruitful association with the firm. He was waiting in the office to meet the Executive Director (ED) of the firm. Unanticipatedly, the equalizers in the plant went up with everyone in the plant chasing their tail…” “…A red sedan entered the plant, with seemingly, big enchilada lounged in it. It screeched at the entrance of the main office. A medium-height head honcho, male blonde loomed out of the door like a greased lightning. He threw open his eyes all around the plant, went inside with a straight face. He was on his walky-talky. The entire crew around him, intimidated by his presence, flocked him into his office…” “…The scheduled day, as soon as the MD reached office in his canyon orange pearl Merc, the ED came out of his office as fast as a racecar to greet him. They both went inside with the bull session. MD, a big arse man as if it had its own postcode, with small curly hairs and a serious pride on his face was as cool as a cucumber. He looked grandiose clad in a light blue shirt, dark blue trousers…” “…What could be the real reason of the heave-ho?’ Adi was clocked up with the wringer. He felt like a chosen claustrophobic victim of the circumstances always and ever again. The semi-colons in his life events were making him weep, forcing him to look out for ellipsis…” “…Sir, it’s your firm, not anyone else’s. Mr. Bux is anyways after me from the day you retained me. He himself looks for an opportunity to put me in a dock. The automation would help your firm to stay competitive in the long run,” Adi argued… “…Why do people always think from their perspective, ignoring others’? How much will it cost to accept their point of view as well? ‘It’s free,’ he presumed. ‘Why can’t we try to make lesser holes than Swiss cheese relationships? Everyone has more than one way to skin a cat, but the objective remains the same–to skin the cat.’ ‘Muck or nettles, is this the only way to live in this professional world? Or there is a via media?…”