BIG BOSS - Chapter 6. TechnoIT ‘Browns’
Experience 6 entails various events in the professional life of Adi in his new firm, ‘TechnoIT’ (IT Consulting industry again). His boss, Girish is a very weak leader and manager who can’t stand by his decisions, choices and team. Girish joins hands with one of his onsite counterpart to befall Adi and the events afterwards take a huge toll on the productivity and morale of the team members. Ultimately, Adi communicates his and team’s concern to Girish’s boss, who in turn tries to put things in order but not before Adi decided to quit the account (NOT THE FIRM). He decides to create a change he wants in his own circle of influence than leaving the firm like a loser. Adi decides… Excerpts... “…Adi was nipping at the bit for his new assignment soon after the induction got over. It was a Program Manager profile Adi was excessively excited to get onto. It was thrilling for him to perform the role that he had seen his bosses tick, and now was the time to resurrect. He made a do’s and don’ts list based on his experiences, which he thought should be followed with his team to earn their trust, respect, over and above of making the place a dazzling territory to work in. …” “… “It becomes iffy when the people who are at the helm of the affairs don’t see an eye to eye. Shroff is so mean that instead of using deodorant he gargles disinfectant and licks his armpits. He is of the type who doesn’t considers anything, but himself. He wants to be the sole decision maker, implementer in the entire account. We three have beaten our brains out to make him savvy the facts, the ways we four can work together towards a common objective. Despite, to our utter disappointment, he wants to surf through his own route. We are as pissed as a fart in a vacuum cleaner,” described Gautam. …” “…The two sat in the meeting room. Adi continued. “See Girish, I am straight as an arrow. I would like to have the probity in our relationship. We being at the helm of the affairs of this program, people look up to us as their role models. I could feel unsettling of the lees, thought of broaching it to you.”…” “…Days passed by on the trot with Adi growing in stature--his magnetism evolving each moment like no one’s business. It being propounded by his pure, rational thoughts. Rursus, there were some unpleasant exchange of e-mails happening with the onsite team as Shroff always touched off his team to carp at the offshore team with huffs. Adi was trying to manage it all, bridge the gap between both the sides, but not with much encouraging outcomes…” “…Girish, undeterred by the openness, inclusive approach of Adi, reinstated his malicious campaign of meeting Adi’s teammates to discuss cryptic matters. As previsioned, the unrest started to set in the team as Girish’s intrusion continued further…” “… ‘Please leave my JD up to me. Don’t create more confusion. Already it had taken a toll on the productivity of the team. You can please tell him on my face if you want to run the entire show alone than bringing the team’s morale down and out in an unacceptable way.’ …” “…Adi was chewing the cud on the kind of people a firm carries without even picking up on them. ‘These are the real people who contribute to the ignominy of a firm. These people breed the coming generations like them. They force people to get molded in a bummer way. Then these bummer people breed many more of their types making the work environment pressingly suffocative and provocative…” “…The Benjamin of the family had come of age and hard. He had covered a country mile to overcome crepe hangers. Once perplexed whether to wind a watch or bark at the moon, he chose to be a doubting Thomas. He wished he could forget the early bath age and feel like a million always. Laterally, he preferred to work on his feet of clay to get all of his ducks in a row…” “…From Adi to Aditya Mohan, the primrose path had been the road less taken. “How could I survive these Madhavans, Sreedhars, Girishs? What was the need of them to have acted in the way they did? What was the necessity of me reacting that way?” …”